
Foreword: Dr. N. Valticos, Former Assistant Director-General and Adviser for International Labour Standards, ILO Secretary-General, Institute of International Law Introduction: Dr. B.G. Ramcharan Chapter I Substantive law applicable - Dr. B.G. Ramcharan Chapter II Procedural law - K.T. Samson, Co-ordinator for Human Rights, ILO Chapter III Evidence - Dr. B.G. Ramcharan Chapter IV The competence and functions of fact-finding bodies - Prof. Felix Ermacora, Member of the Austrian Parliament, Member of the European Commission on Human Rights, Member of the Human Rights Committee, former member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Chapter V Hearings - A. Dieye, Judge of the Supreme Court of Senegal, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Chile, Member of the Human Rights Committee Chapter VI Legal representation - Prof. R. Clark, Rutgers University Chapter VII Visits on the spot A. The Experience of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights - Edmundo Vargas Carreno, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights B. The experience of the European Commission on Human Rights - C.H. Kruger, Secretary, European Commission of Human Rights C. The experience of the I.L.O. - Mr. G. von Potobsky, Chief, Application of Standards Branch, International Labour Standard Department, I.L.O. D. The experience of the United Nations - Dr. B.G. Ramcharan Chapter VIII The reports of fact-finding bodies - Dr. Theo C. van Boven, former Director, United Nations Division of Human Rights. Chapter IX Fact-finding by non-governmental organizations - Prof. D. Weissbrodt, University of Minnesota, and J. McCarthy Annex I: Model rules of Procedure for United Nations Bodies dealing with violations of human rights Annex II: Draft Model Rules of Procedure suggested by the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Ad Hoc bodies of the United Nations entrusted with studies of particular situations alleged to reveal a consistent pattern of violations of human rights Annex III: Economic and Social Council resolution 1870 (LVI): Model rules of procedure for United Nations bodies dealing with violations of human rights. Annex IV: Belgrade Minimal rules of procedure for international human rights fact-finding missions Annex V: U.N. General Assembly Resolution 35/176 Bibliography Index.

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