
The focus of this paper is on the international aspects of sponsorship. Sponsorship research is being conducted around the globe, unfortunately, many of the studies conducted by researchers in one country may be unknown by researchers in another. Although many of the studies are local or national in nature, when taken together, the available research allows the examination of international trends. This review of international issues in sponsorship divides studies into two groups: analytic and descriptive studies and empirical studies. Analytic and descriptive studies generally focus on three interrelated topics: the definition, function and measurement of sponsorship. Many definitions have been offered for sponsorship. Some seek to uniquely define sponsorship activities while others explain the difference between advertising and sponsoring. The view of the function, role or goal of sponsorship is equally varied, however, one can say across countries and perspectives that the central focus of sponsorship has been to influence the image of companies and brands. Finally, in analytic studies, the single most discussed topic in sponsorship is its measurement.

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