
International Fundamentum Science Symposium (iFunS) 2018PREFACEFrom 25 to 26 June 2018, the International Fundamentum Science Symposium 2018 was held in Kuala Terengganu – the heritage waterfront city, situated at the east coast of peninsular Malaysia. This first ever scientific meeting hosted by the School of Fundamental Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and co-organized by Academy Sciences of Malaysia (ASM). With the theme “Exploring Possibilities Through Fundamental Sciences”, this symposium was divided to three main sub-themes which were Fundamental Chemistry, Fundamental Physics and Fundamental Biology.The aim of this symposium was to promote and encourage the fundamental research among the researchers. It is important to note that although fundamental studies do not pursue immediate commercial objectives, nevertheless, findings of fundamental studies may result in innovations, as well as generating solutions to practical problems. In fact, the findings and knowledge of fundamental studies in chemistry, physics and biology will generate new and advanced technologies such as nanotechnology, green technology, biotechnology, tissues engineering and etc. The conference was attended by over 80 specialists from leading universities and research institutes, as well as representatives of the scientific community from United Kingdom, Indonesia and Singapore. More than 60 papers were selected to go through a strict double blinded peer reviewed process. In turn, these selected papers were published in IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering.We would like to thank Associate Editors and members of reviewers for their kind assistance in reviewing these papers.List of Editors, Committees and Conference Photographs are available in this pdf.

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