
Contents: Overview: An overview of international dispute settlement, Richard B. Bilder. Negotiation and Consultation: Consultation and negotiation in the pacific settlement of international disputes, Charles Manga Fombad International law, mediation and negotiation, Manfred Lachs. Good Offices and Mediation: The good offices of the United Nations Secretary-General in the field of human rights, B.G. Ramcharan International mediation - the view from the Vatican: lessons from mediating the Beagle Channel dispute, Thomas Princen. Inquiry and Conciliation: The place of commissions of inquiry and conciliation treaties in the peaceful settlement of international disputes, Charles Cheney Hyde Accidents and crises: the Dogger Bank affair, Richard Ned Lebow. Arbitration: States and the undertaking to arbitrate, Hazel Fox Retaliation or arbitration or both? The 1978 United States-France aviation dispute, Lori Fisler Damrosch The nature of the Iran-United States claims tribunal and the evolving structure of international dispute resolution, David D. Caron Strengthening GATT procedures for settling trade disputes, Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann . Judicial Settlement: Decline of the optional clause, C.H.M. Waldock Settlement of disputes arising out of Law of the Sea convention, Louis B. Sohn Invoking international human rights law in domestic courts, Richard B. Lillich The time has come for an international criminal court, M. Cherif Bassiouni The proliferation of adjudicatory bodies: dangers and possible answers, Robert Y. Jennings. Agencies: The place of international law in the settlement of disputes by the Security Council, Rosalyn Higgins. The Future of International Dispute Settlement: Legalized dispute resolution: interstate and transnational, Robert O. Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik and Anne Marie Slaughter Alternative dispute resolution under international law, Christine Chinkin Name index.

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