
Surveying the Law. - International Disaster Response Law in relation to other branches of international law.- The works of the International Law Commission on 'Protection of persons in the event of disasters'. A critical appraisal.- Nuclear accidents and international law.- EU Disaster Response Law: Principles and instruments.- The external dimension of the EU Disaster Response.- The consular protection of EU citizens during emergencies in third countries.- The prevention of natural and man-made disasters. What duties for states? An enabling environment for disaster risk reduction.- Access to the territory of a disaster affected state.- Disasters and armed conflict.- The national legal frameworks relating to disaster response: How is incoming international assistance regulated? Maritime accidents with particular emphasis on liability and compensation for damage from the exploitation of mineral resources of the seabed.- Derogation from human rights treaties in situations of natural or man-made disasters.- A (human) right to humanitarian asistance in disaster situations? Surveying public international law.- Protection of vulnerable groups in natural and man-made disasters.- Contour of disaster victims' rights to a remedy and reparation under international human rights law.- Disasters through the lens of international criminal law.- From theory to practice: the role of disaster response missions.- Actors, activities and coordination in emergencies .- Disasters and the future of humanitarian action: issues, trends and challenges.- Customs obstacles to relief consignments under international disaster response law.- The status of emergency workers.- The use of civil and military defence assets in emergency situations.- The role of international financial institutions.- Funding arrangements for disasters response.- Disasters and corruption, corruption as disaster.- Natural and man-made disasters: challenges and international perspectives for insurance.- Conclusions.

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