
IN accordance with a previous announcement, a conference was held at Basel on April 20–22 with the object of organising an international congress of the anthropological and ethnological sciences. Local arrangements were in the hands of Dr. F. Speiser of Basel and those who attended were received by Dr. F. Hauser, director of education, on behalf of the city of Basel and by Prof. Ernst Staehelin, Rector of the University of Basel, on behalf of the University. Twenty-three delegates, representing nine nationalities, were present and promises of support had been received from a large and representative number of anthropologists. Prof. J. L. Myres (Oxford) was elected president of the conference and Dr. Speiser and Mr. Houghton Brodrick (London), secretaries. Although some of the delegates expressed a strong preference for two separate congresses, to cover the anthropological and ethnological sciences respectively, it was decided that: (1) an international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences be established; (2) the first congress be held, if possible, in 1934, and thereafter at intervals of four years; (3) on the invitation of the Royal Anthropological Institute, supported by the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching, the first congress be held in England, probably in London, in 1934. Draft statutes prepared by the president, the secretaries and Profs. Krause and Mauss, following closely the lines of the statutes of the International Congress for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, were considered and adopted. After nominations to the comité d'honneur, the permanent council and the offices of national secretaries, and votes of thanks to the City, the University and those who had been responsible for the work of the conference, the conference dissolved. A report of the meeting will be found in Man for May.

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