
Welcome Message from the Conference ChairBismillahirrohmanirrohiimThe honorableRector of ITS,Keynote Speaker, Director of Research and Community Service, Invited Speakers,Dean Of Faculty Of Mathematics, Computing, and Data Sciences Head of Mathematics DepartmentLadies and Gentlemen,Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuhOn behalf of the ICoMPAC 2018 organizing committee, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the third International Conference on Mathematics; Pure, Applied and Computation (ICoMPAC 2018) at Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya. Originally, this event was planned to be held in Palu. Because of the disasters, we change the location to Surabaya. In this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere sympathy to people in Palu and Donggala for the tsunami and earthquake disasters.At this year, we are so pleased to accept many papers from Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Australia and Iraq. It is a great pleasure to have 3 invited speakers with us in this conference to share their knowledge.This year’s conference is themed “Mathematics for Beyond Life Future” with the hope that mathematics can take an active role in improving the future of our life. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, students and industries to exchange ideas, to communicate and discuss research findings and new advancement in mathematics, and to explore possible avenues to foster academic and student exchange, as well as scientific activities. The conference will be a venue to communicate and discuss how mathematics can give contributions to improving society welfare, and give solutions to problems faced by industries.As a conference chair of ICoMPAC 2018, I realized that the success of this conference depends ultimately on the many people who have worked with us in planning and organizing this conference, in particular for the review process and preparing the technical programs. Recognition should go to the Local Organizing Committee members who have all worked extremely hard for the detail of important aspects of the conference programs.Last but not least, I would like to thank Institute of Physics (IOP), for the cooperation for publishing papers presented in this conference to their proceedings. I hope this conference will be proven to be an inspiring experience for you. Enjoy your participantion in the ICoMPAC 2018 and we hope that you have a memorable time visiting Surabaya. We also hope you return for the next ICoMPAC with even more colleagues.Thank You,Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Dieky AdzkiyaConference Chair

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