
Jacques Balthazart will reach the age of 65 next year on June 29, 2014 and according to the Belgian rules will have to retire from all his official functions at the University of Liege, though he is not planning to end his scientific career at this point. On this occasion, we would like to celebrate with him and organize an International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behavior (ICHBB) in the tradition that he had initiated in the mid-eighties. This conference met in Bielfeld, Germany in 1982, in Liege, Belgium in 1984 and 1989, in Tours, France in 1993, in Torino, Italy in 1996, in Madrid, Spain in 2000 and again in Torino in 2009.Wewould like to organize it oncemore in Liege as a 3-day conference on June 25–27, 2014. The conference will include 6 symposia (one for each half day) including 4 invited talks and 3 plenary lectures (see program at http:// www.ulg.ac.be/bioneuro). In addition, a few shorter contributed talks will be included in the symposia and all participantswill be able to present posters describing their recent work. The conferencewill be focused on the themes that Jacques studied in his career including sexual differentiation of brain and behavior, role of brain steroidmetabolism in particular aromatase in the control of sexual behavior, sexual motivation, seasonal changes and steroid-induced brain plasticity. The invited and plenary talks will thus be focused on

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