
Virtual Reality (VR) for Education is spreading around and more and more training centers want to provide digital training, especially using VR technol-ogies. The VR market is in full growth and many companies, startups and research teams are working on developing VR for Education on a large scale. Many domains are concerned by this learning digitalization, like science (Oliveira et al., 2019), military (Taupiac, 2018) and so on. The benefits of VR for education are numerous (Mano, 2019) and deeply investigated since the beginning of VR. There are many approaches in the process of training with VR, particularly since the commercialization of new VR headsets like HTC Vive™ and Oculus Rift™. Those headsets allow room scale tracking and are shipped with 3D space tracked controllers, granting a better user expe-rience and a higher diversity in virtual training situations. New headsets are also affordable and so not only reserved for industrials, research or military, leading to new use of VR.

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