
Part 1 Reviews of the literature: International competitiveness and globalization - frameworks for analysis, connections and critiques, Grahame Thompson The impacts of environmental policy on competitiveness - theory and evidence, Paul Ekins, Stefan Speck International competitiveness and carbon taxation, Terry Barker, Nick Johnstone, discussants: Rolf Iten, Najmah Rajah. Part 2 Macroeconomic simulations: Carbon leakage - an empirical assessment using a global econometric model, Clare Smith,. discussant, Paul Ekins Effects of national, OECD-wide and world-wide energy taxes on the environment and on competitiveness, Carl C. Kopmans. Part 3 Economic analyses of countries and firms: Environmental regulation and competitiveness, Eirik Romstad environmental policy and international competitiveness - the case of Germany, Rolf-Ulrich Sprenger, discussants: Norman Glass, Francois Leveque Integrated product policy and industrial competitiveness, F. Berkhout, discussant: Sue Scott 'Green' product development - factors in competition, Robin Roy, Mark Smith, Stephen Potter.

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