
Honey production and trade in the world are introduced.Total output of honey shows an increasing trend while the output of Chinese honey always ranks the first in the world.China,Argentina,Mexico are the major exporters of honey.In the year 2006,honey exports of China,Argentina and Mexico occupy 49.9% of the world's total export volume.International competitiveness of the three honey export countries are calculated,compared and analyzed by adopting the indices such as export price,international market share,and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index.Result shows that honey price of Mexico is significantly higher than the world's average level,that of Argentine is close to the world's average price,and that of China is a more stable price far below the world level.Thus,Chinese honey has significant competitive advantage.According to the international market share,after entering of 21st century,honey export of China has occupied a relatively large percentage of the world's export but shows a downward trend;Argentina has increased rapidly along with the enhancement of market share;while honey export of Mexico has no obvious advantages in market share.According to the RCA index,honey exports are bigger than 1 in China,Argentina and Mexico,indicating that the three countries have competitive advantages in honey exports.Among them,Argentina has significantly bigger index than Mexico and China.Affected by international trade barriers,competitive advantage of China is relatively the weakest.Based on this,corresponding suggestions are put forward:protect and consolidate the advantages of traditional market and implement a diversified export strategy;improve the honey production,supply,and marketing models of honey,and change the pursuit for short-term interests and quantity growth;and adopt various measures to cope with international trade barriers.

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