
Sociopragmatics is about a condition on language used by speakers when they are involved in social interaction. Sociopragmatics also describe about a critic to evaluate speakers language. Therefore sociopragmatics become into sociopragmacritics to analyze some social actions, contexts, and social discourse in some literary works. In this study, internalization sociopragmacritics in language through literature is used to identify culture element, language use, social context, and social function. Internalization sociopragmacritics show about interaction language used by speakers when they discuss some events in their neighborhood. This research uses a literary work written by OkkyMadasari, namely DuaLelaki. Analyzing DuaLelaki is based on the main topic which is adapted from real event happening in Ambon, Indonesia, that is about interfaith between Moslem and Catholic. This research aims to describe the sociopragmacritics elements such as social language use and social context mentioned in DuaLelaki short stories. Research approach is qualitative. Data collection of this research is library and documentation. Research data is the short story of DuaLelaki itself, which was published on May 12th, 2013 in newspaper namely Media Indonesia. The data is based on words, phrases, and sentences used by two main characters, Amir and Lukas. Data research analyzes are using objective hermeneutic to analyze more details and linked into conceptual chart. Data research validation is using focus group discussion, lecture consult, and doing question-answer with colleagues. Research findings mention that social language use always relates with social context in the short story. The results of this research are showing social interaction, body language expression, assertive, environment, and character live in DuaLelaki short story.

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