
The article analyzes provisions of the statutory and procedural acts (Statutes, Rules, Staff Manuals etc.) adopted within the international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank) regarding the settlement of disputes emerging between the staff and the administration. It is emphasized that dispute prevention and resolution is today attracting more and more attention, as the effective prevention and resolution of labour disputes is critical for sound and productive employment relations worldwide. It is noted that the internal justice systems of these financial institutions are aimed primarily at resolving work-related issues and claims in order to ensure a harmonious and respectful working environment. It has been established that the internal mechanism for resolving labor disputes has a two-tier system, which includes informal (Ombudsman, mediation service, etc.) and formal levels (administrative review, Administrative tribunals, etc.). It is paid attention to the fact that administrative tribunals serve as the independent judicial forums for the resolution of employment disputes arising between international financial organizations and their staff members and application may be filed only after the exhausting all available channels of administrative review. It is indicated that all the resolution of labor disputes within the informal level is operational confidential and voluntary. Attention is drawn to the fact that, unlike the United Nations, the administrative tribunals established in the system of international financial institutions are single-level, and their decisions are final and are not subject to further appeal. The relevant conclusions have been drawn.


  • Pavel Fomin, postgraduate student of the Department of International and European Law at the V

  • ANNOTATION: the article analyzes provisions of the statutory and procedural acts (Statutes, Rules, Staff Manuals etc.) adopted within the international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank) regarding the settlement of disputes emerging between the staff and the administration

  • It has been established that the internal mechanism for resolving labor disputes has a two-tier system, which includes informal (Ombudsman, mediation service, etc.) and formal levels

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