
Among the ways of enhancement of functional capabilities of antenna-feeder devices on the basis of slot coupling elements one is partial filling of the slot cavity by a dielectric medium. Solution of the scattering problem with the use of the continuity condition for the tangential component of the magnetic field on the slot surfaces is reduced to a set of linear algebraic equations of the Galerkin method whose matrix elements represent partial conductions of the slot. In the present paper, analytical expressions have first been derived for partial internal conductions of a longitudinal slot with a layered dielectric filling cut in the wider wall of a rectangular waveguide. The LEq0 eigenmodes of a rectangular waveguide partially filled with a dielectric material are used in the capacity of the basis functions in the Galerkin procedure. Frequency dependences of the intrinsic and transfer conductances of the slot are analyzed. It is shown that by changing the dielectric layer parameters in the slot it is possible to control the active and reactive components of the intrinsic conductivity of the slot which effect can be used for controlling the characteristics of slotted waveguide antenna arrays.

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