
This paper propose a robust control design using Internal Model Control (IMC) strategy of a Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). The control target is pitch-axis of TRMS by modeling the equation of motion for horizontal plane and linearized to introduce IMC control scheme. An IMC controller is introduced by selecting a suitable IMC filter. The optimized IMC controller is then modeled to an equivalent oID controller structure and the proportional, integral and derivative gains are obtained analytically. The performance of IMC robust control is presented experimentally and IMC-oID control structure agree reasonably well to the IMC controller. oole placement (oo) and Ziegler-Nichol's (ZN) methods are also proposed in this paper. The experimental results show the robustness of IMC-oID compared to these methods. The simulation validation has also shows some degree of accuracy to the real system.

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