
The internal friction,O−1, as a function of temperature has been investigated for Se100−xSbx systems, wherex=7.5, 12.5 and 17.5 at%, using the magnetostrictive pulse-echo method in the range of vibrational frequencies 50–100 kHz. Two well-defined peaks appeared, characterizing this glass. The first peak covers the temperature range 320–330 K, where the peak position has been shifted to the higher temperature as Sb content increases. This peak indicates the glass transition temperature,Tg, of the tested glassy samples. The second peak was detected in the temperature range 360–378 K. The position of this peak has been shifted to a lower temperature as Sb content increases. This peak is attributed to the crystallization temperature,Tc, of each glassy sample tested. The peak height of both of the above peaks decreased as the Sb content increased. Also, the appearance of these two peaks was affected by annealing.

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