
The process of managing institutions of the public finance sector should be subject to improvement and therefore should also be subject to ongoing control and periodic comprehensive audits. In units of the public finance sector, given the need of improving the efficiency of public tasks implementation, a significant role is played by management control, understood as overall measures taken to ensure the implementation of objectives and tasks in a legitimate, effective, economical and timely manner. A particularly important element of the management control system is the internal audit, i.e. an independent advisory and verification activity, the objective of which is to improve the operational efficiency of the organization and to bring added value to it. Technical progress, changing legal regulations and organizational forms of business entities and institutions of the government administration sector enforce constant adjustments of procedures for control processes and auditing activities. Procedures for conducting internal audit processes should be subject to permanent improvement, because in this way the quality of service of public sector institutions towards the society and the effectiveness of the state functions are improved.

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