
Neurogenic bladder due to cervical spinal cord injury is often best managed by clean intermittent catheterization. Limited upper extremity function makes patients with quadriplegia dependent on caregivers for clean intermittent catheterization. The Mitrofanoff umbilical appendicovesicostomy provides easy access to the bladder in patients with all types of access difficulty. We evaluated the Mitrofanoff umbilical appendicovesicostomy in 7 patients with quadriplegia. Four men and 3 women with cervical spinal cord injury underwent the Mitrofanoff umbilical appendicovesicostomy with appendix (5) or ileum (2). All patients are continent and able to self-catheterize via the umbilical stoma. In 1 patient with an ileal Mitrofanoff umbilical appendicovesicostomy umbilical incontinence was repaired surgically and stomal stenosis developed in 1, which required stomal revision. All patients use the stoma regularly. Four patients have moved out of care facilities and are living more independently. The Mitrofanoff catheterizable channel is a valuable option for bladder management in patients with quadriplegia. Clean intermittent self-catheterization allows these patients independent function and facilitates their return to productive lives outside care facilities.

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