
Several studies showed that the up-regulation of glial glutamate transporter-1 (GLT-1) participates in the acquisition of brain ischemic tolerance induced by cerebral ischemic preconditioning or ceftriaxone pretreatment in rats. To explore whether GLT-1 plays a role in the acquisition of brain ischemic tolerance induced by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IH) preconditioning (mimicking 5,000m high-altitude, 6h per day, once daily for 28days), immunohistochemistry and western blot were used to observe the changes in the expression of GLT-1 protein in hippocampal CA1 subfield during the induction of brain ischemic tolerance by IH preconditioning, and the effect of dihydrokainate (DHK), an inhibitor of GLT-1, on the acquisition of brain ischemic tolerance in rats. The basal expression of GLT-1 protein in hippocampal CA1 subfield was significantly up-regulated by IH preconditioning, and at the same time astrocytes were activated by IH preconditioning, which appeared normal soma and aplenty slender processes. The GLT-1 expression was decreased at 7days after 8-min global brain ischemia. When the rats were pretreated with the IH preconditioning before the global brain ischemia, the down-regulation of GLT-1 protein was prevented clearly. Neuropathological evaluation by thionin staining showed that 200nmol DHK blocked the protective role of IH preconditioning against delayed neuronal death induced normally by 8-min global brain ischemia. Taken together, the up-regulation of GLT-1 protein participates in the acquisition of brain ischemic tolerance induced by IH preconditioning in rats.

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