
The intermediate zone (IZ) of nonperfused and perfused spleens in three species of primitive mammals (shrew, mole, platypus) was studied morphologically. The IZ is a tissue zone consisting of plexiform vessels, probably venous capillaries, and is located transitionally between the white and red pulp. The IZ is separated from the white pulp by the arterial net (AN), in which the white pulp arteries terminate. Development of the IZ differs between the three species examined being distinctive in the platypus and shrew. The IZ is thin in the mole spleen. A closed type of arteriovenous (A-V) anastomosis was demonstrated in or around the IZ in the two Insectivora species examined. In the shrew spleen, peripheral arterial branches running within the IZ anastomose with the AN around the follicle. The AN anastomoses eventually with venous plexiform vessels of the IZ around the nonfollicular area of the white pulp to form a closed system. In the mole spleen, A-V anastomoses were noted between white pulp arteries (follicular and AN) and veins of the red pulp, either by direct communication or through fenestrated IZ vessels compatible with the plexiform vessels of the shrew spleen. A-V anastomosis in the IZ is probable, but not confirmed, in the platypus spleen, as analysis was limited to a nonperfused specimen. Well-developed ellipsoids were noted around arterial terminals of the IZ in the shrew spleen. Ellipsoids were also noted around all arterial terminals of the mole spleen directed to the red pulp. Most ellipsoids of the mole spleen appeared located within the IZ. No ellipsoids were present around arterial terminals of the IZ in the platypus spleen. Closed circulation was noted in terminals of the pulp artery in spleens of all three species. All pulp arteries of the mole spleen are postellipsoid segments of white pulp (AN and follicle) arteries. No ellipsoids were found around terminals of the pulp artery (penicillar artery) in shrew and platypus spleens. The IZ is probably homologous to the perilymphatic sinusoid (vein) of the lungfish spleen and may be regarded as part of the red pulp. The IZ may be representative of primitive mammalian spleens that have closed circulation. The marginal zone (MZ) of common mammalian spleens is probably a modified IZ by differentiation (remodelling) of the intrasplenic vein. In this process, withdrawal of venous vessels from the IZ occurred, leaving a lymphoreticular zone with open circulation (MZ). The marginal sinus reported in some mammalian spleens is probably a modified AN formed during this process. Possible morphological alterations of the spleen in vertebrate phylogeny are discussed.

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