
Aboveground and belowground biomass compartments of vegetation fulfil different functions and they are coupled by complex interactions. These compartments exchange water, carbon and nutrients and the belowground biomass compartment has the capacity to buffer vegetation dynamics when aboveground biomass is removed by disturbances such as herbivory or fire. However, despite their importance, root-shoot interactions are often ignored in more heuristic vegetation models. Here, we present a simple two-compartment grassland model that couples aboveground and belowground biomass. In this model, the growth of belowground biomass is influenced by aboveground biomass and the growth of aboveground biomass is influenced by belowground biomass. We used the model to explore how the dynamics of a grassland ecosystem are influenced by fire and grazing. We show that the grassland system is most persistent at intermediate levels of aboveground-belowground coupling. In this situation, the system can sustain more extreme fire or grazing regimes than in the case of strong coupling. In contrast, the productivity of the system is maximised at high levels of coupling. Our analysis suggests that the yield of a grassland ecosystem is maximised when coupling is strong, however, the intensity of disturbance that can be sustained increases dramatically when coupling is intermediate. Hence, the model predicts that intermediate coupling should be selected for as it maximises the chances of persistence in disturbance driven ecosystems.


  • Aboveground and belowground biomass compartments of vegetation are coupled by fluxes of water, nutrients and carbohydrates and this coupling strongly influences the dynamics and persistence of ecosystems

  • We explored how the coupling of aboveground and belowground biomass compartments in a grassland model influences vegetation dynamics, the grazing yield and the fire response

  • We found that the model system is most productive and allows the highest biomass removal when aboveground and belowground biomass compartments are fully coupled, that is when growth of roots is defined by shoots and when the growth of shoots is defined by roots

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Aboveground and belowground biomass compartments of vegetation are coupled by fluxes of water, nutrients and carbohydrates and this coupling strongly influences the dynamics and persistence of ecosystems. We use a grassland model derived from a heuristic savanna model [17,18] to explore how the coupling strength of aboveground and belowground biomass compartments influences the system’s dynamics. When shoots and roots are fully coupled (k~1) we can calculate an analytic solution for the maximum grazing rates u under the fixed fraction strategy (when w~1) and v under the fixed offtake strategy (when w~0) and the maximum grazing yield ZÃ that can be removed from the system.

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