
The article presents the analysis of the relevant literature by international and national researches on the current state of obesity epidemic and discussed the evidence of the association between obesity and oral disease. The aim of the study was to assess the oral hygienic status and dietary habits of young schoolchildren with overweight and normal body weight and their correlation with dental caries. The study included 81 school children (1-4 primary years of the Poltava schools) aged 6-11 years. We studied anthropometric data and physical parameters, carried out dental check-up, determined saliva IL-6 content. Oral hygienic status was estimated using the simplified Green-Vermillion oral hygienic index (1964). Oral hygiene index in the children with excess body weight was unsatisfactory, while the children with normal body weight demonstrated satisfactory values. The results of the dental check-ups showed that caries prevalence made up 58.63% and 60.78% in the children with normal weight and overweight, respectively. Those figures did not differ significantly from the indicated age group of children with excessive and normal body weight. The study of the caries intensity showed that df + DMF index values were 1.48 ± 0.24 and 1 ± 0.54 in the children with normal body weight and 2.03 ± 0.36 and 1.25 ± 0.34 in the overweight children. In the children with normal body weight, the saliva IL-6 concentration was insignificantly higher and ranged from 6.12 ± 0.36 in the children with healthy periodontium, while in the children with gingivitis IL-6 concentration was 6.25 ± 0.33, which can be interpreted as early sensitive, albeit non-specific marker of inflammation, which manifests by clinical signs. The IL-6 concentration in the overweight children was within the range of 4.64 ± 0.26 (PMA = 0), and in this group of children with signs of inflammation was determined as slightly lower 4.46 ± 0.1, which may indicate stronger and more stable immune response.
 Thus, according to the dental findings, the oral hygiene status in all children with normal body weight was unsatisfactory, while in the overweight children demonstrated satisfactory oral hygiene status. The prevalence of caries in the studied group of children corresponds to the city values. The study of caries intensity showed that in the children with normal body weight md + MDF index is 1.48 ± 0.24 and 1 ± 0.54, while for the overweight children this figure was 2.03 ± 0.36 and 1.25 ± 0.34. The saliva IL-6 values can be used as important diagnostic indicators and the evaluation of cytokine content in biological fluids helps to obtain information about present medical condition as well as prevent inflammatory periodontal diseases.


  • The article presents the analysis of the relevant literature

  • The results of the dental check-ups showed that caries prevalence made up

  • The study of the caries intensity showed that df

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Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини

Індекс гігієни у дітей з надмірною масою тіла був у межах 1,53±0,06 (РМА=0) бала, а у цій групі дітей з ознаками запалення визначався незначно більший показник 1,58±0,08, що відповідає задовільній гігієні та середньому значенню індексу. У дітей з нормальною масою тіла показник концентрації інтерлейкіну був неістотно більший і коливався у межах 6,12±0,36, для дітей зі здоровим пародонтом, а при наявності гінгівіту складав 6,25±0,33, що може інтерпретуватися як ранній чутливий, хоч й неспецифічним маркером запалення, що проявляється і клінічними ознаками. Значення інтерлейкіну-6 у дітей з надмірною масою тіла був у межах 4,64±0,26 (РМА=0), а у цій групі дітей з ознаками запалення визначався незначно менший показник 4,46±0,1, що може вказувати на більшу та стійкішу імунну відповідь. Цитокіни являють собою невеликі гормоноподібні сигнальні пептиди, які виробляються в клітинах, які активовані індукторами запалення

ВІСНИК Українська медична стоматологічна академія
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