
The acidic glycosphingolipid, ganglioside GM1, which is the binding site for cholera toxin on many cell types, was identified by chemical and by flow cytometric analyses of mouse interleukin 3-dependent, bone marrow culture-derived mast cells (BMMC). Ganglioside GM1 and other acidic glycosphingolipids were isolated from BMMC by chloroform/methanol extraction and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex and were analyzed by thin layer chromatography. The presence of ganglioside GM1 in the BMMC extract was demonstrated by its co-migration with ganglioside GM1 standard in thin layer chromatography and by the binding of peroxidase-labeled cholera toxin B subunit to both molecules. As assessed by fluorescence flow cytometric analysis of the binding of fluorescein-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit, the majority of BMMC expressed ganglioside GM1 on their surface, and the total presentation per cell increased as cells progressed from the G1 to S to G2 + M phases of the cell cycle. The addition of increasing amounts of cholera toxin starting with 0.08 microgram/ml to BMMC cultured in 50% WEHI 3-conditioned medium containing IL 3 for 48 hr caused the adhesion of BMMC to the tissue culture flasks to increase in a dose-related manner, from less than 1% adherent cells in cultures without toxin to a plateau value of approximately 17% adherent in the presence of 1.25 micrograms/ml of toxin. The histamine content of BMMC increased from 26.7 +/- 3.59 ng/10(6) cells (mean +/- SD, n = 4) for control cultures to 201 +/- 17.4 ng/10(6) cells (mean +/- SD, n = 4) for nonadherent cells and to 588 +/- 89.4 ng/10(6) cells (mean +/- SD, n = 4) for adherent cells after 48 hr of culture in 0.31 microgram/ml cholera toxin, which was the optimal dose for nonadherent and adherent populations. The content of another preformed intragranular mediator, beta-hexosaminidase, did not increase appreciably in the presence of cholera toxin (n = 3). The increase in the histamine content of BMMC after the addition of 0.31 microgram/ml cholera toxin was detectable at 4 hr, plateaued by 24 to 48 hr, and gradually declined over the next 6 days. Cholera toxin also augmented the histamine content of BMMC in the presence of purified synthetic IL 3. Preincubation of whole cholera toxin with purified ganglioside GM1 inhibited the histamine-augmenting effects of cholera toxin on BMMC, indicating that the effect was not due to a contaminant, and neither the A nor B subunit of cholera toxin alone increased the histamine content of BMMC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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