
A microwave cavity perturbation technique is used to probe the interlayerelectrodynamics within the vortex state of the organic superconductorκ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.A Josephson plasma mode is observed which is extremely sensitive to correlationsin the locations of vortices in adjacent layers and may, therefore, be used to gaugecollective effects between vortices and crystal pinning sites in the title compound.Our previous investigations (Mola M M et al2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 5965) revealeda transformation from a correlated quasi-two-dimensional pinned vortex phase toeither a depinned or liquid state. In this study, we carry out a detailed analysis ofthe magnetic field dependence of the Josephson plasma frequency withinthe two phases. Our findings agree favourably with recent theoreticalmodels: within the liquid state, the squared plasma frequency (ωp2)decays with the inverse of the magnitude of the magnetic field strength, B; whereas,in the pinned phase, a much slower decay is observed (ωp2 ∝ B−0.35),which is indicative of weak pinning.

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