
In the battle between bacteria and plants, bacteria often use a population density-dependent regulatory system known as quorum sensing (QS) to coordinate virulence gene expression. In response, plants use innate and induced defense mechanisms that include low-molecular-weight compounds, some of which serve as antivirulence agents by interfering with the QS machinery. The best-characterized QS system is driven by the autoinducer N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL), which is produced by AHL synthases (LuxI homologs) and perceived by response regulators (LuxR homologs). Several plant compounds have been shown to directly inhibit LuxI or LuxR. Gaining atomic-level insight into their mode of action and how they interfere with QS enzymes supports the identification and design of novel QS inhibitors.Such information can be gained by combining experimental work with molecular modeling and docking simulations. The summary of these findings shows that plant-derived compounds act as interkingdom cues and that these allomones specifically target bacterial communication systems.

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