
Based on Article 72 of the Indonesia Limited Company Law, companies are allowed to distribute dividends before the company closes the annual book and the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) by giving temporary dividends (interim). In this case, if the company suffers a loss at the closing of the annual book according to the Indonesia Limited Company Law, the shareholders must return the dividends they have received. If the shareholders do not return it, the directors and commissioners must be joint responsibility to cover company losses. Based on these reasons, the researcher examined the useful aspects of the interim dividend arrangement in Article 72 of the Indonesia Limited Company Law based on Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarianism theory and found the form of norms regarding the return of interim dividends in Indonesian legislation using Hans Kallsen's Hierarchy theory. This research is a normative study with a conceptual approach. The results of the study suggest that; Article 72 paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Indonesia Limited Company Law can benefit the public because Bentham places benefits on individual happiness on a materialistic basis and practical social goals that can balance various interests. However, paragraphs 5 and 6 discussing the return of interim dividends that have been distributed, if, at the end of the closing of the book the company suffers a loss, in terms of the principle of benefit, Bentham does not provide benefits because it cannot provide a happiness effect for many people. The form of regulation on the distribution and return of interim share dividends in Indonesia is Statutes and Bylaws (C & B). C & B are a creative dimension in the form of living law or actions taken by the community. In terms of civil law, C & B has the same position as the law but cannot apply to the public.

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