
Bronchial reactivity to carbachol, estimated by the PD65, the provocation dose of inhaled carbachol inducing a 65% increase of baseline respiratory resistance, was measured in 355 asthmatic children (age 8.7 +/- 2.6 years) and 149 healthy children (age 11.8 +/- 2.3 years). The frequency distribution of PD65 showed apart from 2 minima at 480 micrograms and 960 micrograms 2 significant peaks at 240 micrograms (p = 0.003) and 1200 micrograms (p = 0.01) to carbachol, reflecting a hyperreactive class (PD65 < 480 micrograms), an intermediate class (481 micrograms < PD65 < 960 micrograms) and a normo-reactive class (PD65 > 961 micrograms). The intermediate class is characterised by a considerable overlap between "health" and "disease". However, taking into account the degree of air pollution in which healthy children are living (best related factor to specificity) and the type of initial lung function disorder in asthmatic children, (the MEF50 to be the best related factor for specificity), weighed specificity and sensitivity improved from 64 to 88%. Evaluating bronchial responsiveness in children, such interfering factors should be strongly considered.

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