
The wireless communication networks are subjected to multi access interference and multipath fading. To minimize the interference cancellation in CDMA networks, multiple user detection schemes and cooperative communication networks are used. consider the uplink of a cooperative CDMA network, where users cooperate by relaying each otherā€™s messages to the base station. When spreading waveforms are not orthogonal, multiple access interference (MAI) exists at the relays and the destination, causing cooperative diversity gains to diminish. To overcome this problem, we integrate various multiuser detection (MUD) schemes to mitigate MAI in achieving the full advantages of cooperation. Specifically, the relay-assisted decorrelating multiuser detector (RADMUD) is proposed to separate interfering signals at the destination with the help of precoding at the relays along with pre-whitening at the destination. In this paper we examined the BER performance of various MUD schemes are analyzed and compared with cooperative system. The advantages of RAD-MUD with co-operative communication shows better BER performance compared with non co-operative wireless communication system and other existing cooperative MUD schemes are also shown through MATLAB Simulations.

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