
Mobile communication has evolved through various generations and is currently on the verge of its fifth generation (5G). The continually increasing number of subscribers and data traffic demand reflect the ubiquitous usage of this technology. Device-to-Device communication (D2D) is considered as a key technological component in 5G, which aims to offload base station from traffic routing by enabling direct link between communicating devices in proximity. In a D2D underlay, D2D pairs reuse resources from cellular links which results in better spectrum utilization. However, the mutual interferences (among D2D pairs and cellular users sharing resource) sabotage the performance. Smart resource allocation for D2D pairs can reduce the interference caused by cellular users to D2D pair. Nevertheless, D2D transmissions still cause significant interference to cellular links leading to poor cellular performance. This paper proposes interference aware power allocation (IAPA) for cellular links following D2D resource allocation, to make cellular links robust against interfering D2D transmissions. This solution avoids restricting D2D transmissions in-order to reduce their interference with cellular links and allows maximum exploitation of D2D communication opportunities. Further, considering the power consumption at the UE, power allocation at cellular links are administered leading to regulated IAPA (R-IAPA). Simulation results show decrease in number of dropped cellular users due to high interference from D2D transmissions, and an improved throughput at base station without hindering D2D performance while taking into account power consumption of cellular users.

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