
Highly hydrophobic, water-insoluble nonionic surfactants are often considered irrelevant to the ionization of interfaces at which they adsorb, despite observations that suggest otherwise. In the present study, we provide unambiguous evidence for the participation of a water-insoluble surfactant in interfacial ionization by conducting electrophoresis experiments for surfactant-stabilized nonpolar oil droplets in aqueous continuous phase. It was found that the surfactant with amine headgroup positively charged the surface of oil suspended in aqueous continuous phase (oil/water interface), which is consistent with its basic nature. In nonpolar oil continuous phase, the same surfactant positively charged the surface of solid silica (solid/oil interface) which is often considered acidic. The latter observation is exactly opposite to what the traditional acid-base mechanism of surface charging would predict, most clearly suggesting the possibility for another charging mechanism.

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