
The leitmotif of this thesis emphases on the inter-ethnic conflict and eviction between Amhara and Oromo in Oromia National Regional State/ONRS/ special focus on East Wollega. The ethnic groups of Amhara and Oromo within Oromia and Amhara have a long history of close relationships in economic, social and political affairs. It is known that, Amharas and Oromos are the two most leading ethnic groups, in number, in Ethiopia. Due to different factors, the Amharas have settled in many areas of Oromia region by migrating from their home. Ethnic Amharas had migrated to East Wollega over several decades and, while relations between Amhara settlers and the local Oromo were good for many years; ethnic bias of local officials, growing land shortages and ethnic federalism resulted in a deterioration. Since 1991, there were repeated inter-ethnic conflict between this giant ethnic groups of Amhara and Oromo especially in East Wollega, Oromia. The principal ambition of this study was to examine and explore the nature, underlying causes, dynamics and consequences of inter-ethnic conflict between Amhara and Oromo ethnic groups in East Wollega, Oromia. The thesis was carried out to scrutinize post-1991 nature, causes and consequences of inter-ethnic conflicts between Amhara and Oromo after the structure of constituent states of our country Ethiopia organized based on ethnic lines/with the introduction of ethic federalism/. The concluding remarks clearly stipulated the instigation of local officials and authorities were a prominent factor besides the other social, environmental, cultural and economic causes for the activation of ethnic conflict between Amhara and Oromo ethnic groups in East Wollega, Oromia. Finally, the thesis proposed recommendations to address the inter-ethnic conflict and eviction of this ethnic groups by suggesting different mechanisms for the government and concerned bodies.

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