
Student interest in learning has been declining due to the increasing number of distractions. Interest is one of the important factors contributing to one’s desire and motivation to satisfy curiosity. As the times evolve, many things affect student interest in learning; one of which is smartphones equipped with the internet that promotes the ease of performing activities. Smartphones and the internet offer online games that can be accessed by anyone to play at any time, which can trigger online gaming addiction. The study aims to examine the interest in learning of nursing students who are addicted to online games. This study employed a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations and documentation. The participants of the study were five students recruited using a snowball sampling method. Data were analyzed using Giorgi method. Results showed that interest in learning of students with online gaming addiction in the academic learning process varies. This can be seen through three emerging themes: student gaming behaviour, changes in students after online gaming, and the learning process of students with addiction to online games. It can be concluded that students’ online game behaviour is influenced by impulsivity that changes student behaviour and leads to addiction.


  • Minat sangat mempengaruhi keinginan dan motivasi rasa ingin tahu seseorang

  • of which is smartphones equipped with the internet that promotes the ease of performing activities

  • by anyone to play at any time

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Tahapan permainan online

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pendekatan tersebut digunakan untuk menguji minat belajar mahasiswa dengan kecanduan game online. Penelitian dilakukan di program studi ilmu keperawatan UMY pada bulan Februari 2020 dengan merekrut 7 peserta dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu mahasiswa aktif keperawatan UMY yang sudah enam bulan bermain game online di smartphone. “. Ketika saya masih di sekolah menengah saya pikir. “. Saya mengetahui tentang warung internet ketika saya masih di sekolah menengah. Itu pertama kalinya saya bermain game online. Saya kecanduan karena bermain dengan teman itu sangat menyenangkan.” (P1). “Saya sangat bersenang-senang saat bermain game online dengan teman-teman saya.” (P2). “Game online lebih menyenangkan karena kita bisa memberi tahu teman kita”, “ada sesuatu di belakangmu”, “jangan pergi ke sana”, dan“ bomnya ada di sini. “Game online lebih menyenangkan karena kita bisa memberi tahu teman kita”, “ada sesuatu di belakangmu”, “jangan pergi ke sana”, dan“ bomnya ada di sini. ” (P4)

Ketersediaan akses permainan online
Emosi mahasiswa saat bermain game online
Sensasi saat bermain game online
Durasi bermain game online
Perubahan kognitif
Perubahan afektif
Perubahan sosial
Perubahan rutinitas
Perubahan minat belajar
Alokasi waktu belajar
Perasaan saat belajar
Perasaan saat tidak belajar
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