
The difficult environmental, economic, social and political situations require a deep analysis of interdisciplinary connections in industrial areas. The “system of subsoil use” is a set of mined subsoil areas characterized by geological, geomechanical and aerogasdynamic processes, and industrial production, connected to the civil society and the natural environment by the flows of energy, substance, and information. The flows of biogenic elements in the areas of subsoil use change in the direction of increasing the physical flows of the bio-elements carrying (into the World Ocean) the biological product flows. Energy flows in the areas of subsoil use, that are present in the form of net primary production of the biosphere, radically change in the direction of increasing the anthropogenic (man-made) channel to 8-12%. Environmental information flows in subsoil use areas contain data about whether the environmental conditions are suitable for the biotic regulation. The originality of the “system of subsoil use” concept lies in taking into account the energy, substance, and information flows distribution between the system components and the possibility of an objective analysis of the system effectiveness and its compliance with the concept of sustainable development of industrial areas.

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