
This article examines the issue of finding new methodological approaches to the development of problems that can contribute to the preparation of ‘Humanities’ students to pass the state final certification in the format of External independent assessment (EIA). The study analyzes the existing development of methods of qualitative mathematical training of students of humanities classes who study Mathematics according to the basic level program. In particular, the authors of the article were interested in the use of interdisciplinary connections between Mathematics and humanitarian disciplines. The authors of the article identified cross-curricular problems as a means of forming students’ motivation to study Mathematics, as well as a toolkit for measuring their level of readiness to solve typical problems of EIA. The researchers set a goal to develop cross-curricular problems following the EIA program based on the plot of Bulgakov’s novel ‘The Master and Margarita’. An experiment was conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the use of the system of interdisciplinary problems in the preparation for the EIA of humanitarian students. The obtained results confirmed that the implementation of problems in which the intersubject connections of Mathematics and Literature are realized has a more significant effect on both increasing the motivation of students to study Mathematics and their mathematical preparation.

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