
The definition of “stroke” by the World Health Organization describes a clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid onset of focal or global cerebral deficit, lasting more than 24 h or leading to death, due to a vascular ischemic cause. Ischemic stroke (IS) usually occurs when the blood supply to an area of the brain is interrupted and accounts for the majority of strokes. It includes cryptogenic, lacunae, and thromboembolic strokes. The most common risk factors are arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and cigarette smoking. About 87% of all strokes are ischemic strokes. Globally, stroke is a leading cause of death and disability and the economic costs of treatment and post-stroke care are substantial. Bulgaria is among the first in morbidity and mortality from cerebrovascular diseases. We present a case of a 36-year-old patient admitted to First Neurology Clinic at the St. Marina University Hospital, Varna, Bulgaria with complaints of tingling in the hands, more on the right hand. This case was a diagnostic challenge, which involved doctors from different specialties.

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