
History tells us that education itself does not educate people. Education is the path to professionals, but not a road, which necessarily leads to man, which necessarily leads to a person who has a sense and a sense of values of life and values in general. Kosovo's framework program plan is divided into general subjects, and in the 'national' special subjects for communities. These subjects are language, history, art and music. National cases for Kosovo Turks and Bosniaks have been developed by experts from relevant communities. But for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, curricula of national subjects have not been developed, making them feel that the development of their identity is threatened. Kosovo is making efforts to implement a model of intercultural education, which is a very important model for the world as well. Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kosova which entered into force in 2008, communities have equal rights, and are even more favored in some municipalities where some of the communities are centered. The Turkish community is located mainly in several municipalities of Kosova, one of the municipalities such as Mamusha in the region of Prizren is mostly populated by the Turkish community. The development of intercultural sensitivity, describes the stages that people pass through when confronted with other cultures. The elaboration of the treatment of cultural differences is developed by the stadium of denial of the existence of differences, namely extreme ethnocentrism, the stadium of observation and acceptance of cultural differences.

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