
This article describes a qualitative case study of one high school within a di strict in southern Alberta where increasing numbers of students from diverse cultural, racial, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds have entered the school system. Drawing from constructivism and critical theory, the researcher investigated the perceptions of the collective and inclusive leadership elements within the school. Data were coded and categorized using a continuous process of analysis (Stewart, 2007). Dimmock and Walker's (1998, 2005) cross-cultural school focused model supported the researcher in the process of data analysis. Five initial themes arose from the survey instrument and seven major and interrelating themes emerged from the interview data. The seven major themes that emerged in the study were: (a) language and communication barriers; (b) professional development and collaboration; (c) curriculum and pacing in the classroom; (d) societal influences on the school; (e) issues with equity; (t) relationships among stakeholders; and, (g) safe and carmg school/community.

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