
Data from 1341 Holstein heifers of 71 sires were used to study heritabilities of and genetic and phenotypic correlations among milk production traits (308-d milk, front and rear half yields), body measurements (heart girth, withers height, body length, and rump length), udder measurements (front teat length and diameter, rear teat length and diameter, teat distance and udder height), and age at first calving. Genetic and phenotypic parameters were estimated by the multitrait restricted maximum likelihood method. Multitrait estimates of heritability ranged from .37 to .47 for first lactation yield traits, from .19 to .51 for body measurements, and from .08 to .41 for udder measurements. Age at first calving averaged 22.3 mo with a heritability estimate of .11. Milk production traits were all positively correlated with body measurements, suggesting that high producing heifers would be taller, larger, and longer than low producing heifers. Multitrait estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations between udder height and yield traits were all negative, suggesting that high producing heifers tend to have lower udders. Of four body measurements studied, rump length showed the greatest genetic correlations with yield traits. Among six udder measurements, udder height exhibited the highest degree of associations with yield traits. Thus, rump length and udder height merit greater attention for prediction of lactational performance.

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