
METHODS The performance to assess the particle size distr ibut ion of a polydisperse aerosol of four low pressure impactors (LPI) and three optical particle counters (OPC) was studied. The ins t rumen t s used are listed in table 1. The polydisperse aerosol was produced by nebulizat ion of an aquaeous solution of sodiumbisulfite. A uniform mass concentrat ion of 0.5 m g m -3 was main ta ined in a 20 m 3 chamber vent i la ted wi th a flow rate of 320 m 3 h 1. The concentrat ion varied less t h a n 4 % as indicated by an automat ic mass sensor (TSI Microbalance Model 5000) and filter samples. The mass of the particles sampled with the impactors was evaluated by PIXE analysis of sulfur (Proton Induced X-ray Emission; Hietel and Tschiersch, 1988) and gravimetry as indicated in table 2 and figure 1. The four impactor samples were t aken wi thin a 3 hour period.

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