
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to investigate the process of appropriation, by the deaf, of the Portuguese language as a second language in dialogue with a bilingual teacher through the learning diary. Specifically, the pedagogical strategies used by the teacher to mediate the teaching of written language were characterized and the process of appropriation of writing by deaf students was analyzed. Learning diaries produced by deaf students in Elementary School II (Middle school) from an inclusive school that was part of a Bilingual Education Program for the deaf were collected. Based on an indexical analysis of the diaries, we focused on the dialogue between the teacher and the students present in the text of the diaries, paying attention to the characteristics and intentions contained in the dialogues, as well as to the changes that occurred in the student's texts. The results indicated that the diaries were constituted as means of enunciation and learning of written language by the deaf. Writing, as a semiotic means of constitution and expression of the subject, favored both communication and the development of knowledge about writing a second language, in addition to mediating the conversion of processes of meaning into internal processes that form the basis of consciousness.

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