
Daily increments of age‐0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma otoliths from 1985 to 2001 were examined for interannual variability in growth and hatch dates. Fish were collected in summer and autumn surveys near the Shumagin Islands in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Hatch date distributions of these fish were compared with hatch dates of larvae from spawning aggregations located in Shelikof Strait and the Shumagin Islands based on their spawning times. The hatch date distributions of age‐0 year fish captured from the Shumagin Islands area were similar to those observed for larvae from the Shelikof Strait spawning group. Age‐0 year fish whose hatch dates corresponded to the Shumagin Islands spawning, which occurred earlier in January and February, were not found. Sea surface temperature was associated with variability in hatch date distribution and growth.

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