
Hatch date and settlement date distribution and planktonic larval duration (PLD) in yellow striped flounder in nursery grounds in the northern Japan Sea and in the Okhotsk Sea around Hokkaido (Northern Japan Sea–Okhotsk Sea population) were investigated. We examined the relationship between the ecological features and water temperature in these two locations where oceanographic conditions considerably differ. For both nursery grounds, the timing of hatch was early in a warm year and late in a cold year, indicating the strong link between water temperature and the timing of hatch in this population. Although spatial difference in hatch date in 2007 was not significant, hatching and settlement of juveniles collected in the Okhotsk Sea nursery (Okhotsk Sea subpopulation: OSS) occurred later than in those collected in the Japan Sea (Japan Sea subpopulation: JSS); in the spring, the water temperature of the Japan Sea rises earlier in the southern area. The precise area where eggs of both subpopulations originated is unknown; however, this study indicates that eggs that become the JSS may be produced further south than those for the OSS. Comparing on the same date, the water temperature around potential spawning area of OSS in 2006 was ca. 2 °C lower than in 2007 and 2009; however, the overall difference in water temperature at the median date of hatching was 0.7 °C. This result indicates that a spring rise in water temperature probably determines the timing of spawning and larval hatch of this population. Spatiotemporal differences in the PLD were affected by water temperature in which juveniles were exposed during pelagic phase. The PLDs were shorter in warmer years and for warmer subpopulation. The PLD of OSS was longer than that of JSS and spatial difference was statistically significant in 2006. Water temperature in which OSS was exposed in later pelagic phase was relatively low, and the growth of pelagic larvae of OSS was probably slow, and consequently, the PLD of OSS may become long. The eggs originating the OSS are spawned in the Japan Sea and transported a long-distance to their nursery ground in Okhotsk Sea. Generally, a slow growth rate is considered a negative factor for the early survival of fish, although it may be that the slow growth and long PLD of the OSS juveniles confers an advantage upon them during their long-distance transportation. For yellow striped flounder, this study primarily reports on hatch date and settlement date distribution and PLD of juveniles. For flatfish species, the study of the link between those features and water temperature is limited. This study expands the knowledge of the early life-cycle in flatfish, information on which is currently limited.

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