
It is widely accepted that clear water phases constitute a regular stage in the seasonal succession of plankton in dimictic lakes and reservoirs (i.e. PEG Model). The occurrence of such a phenomenon in Mediterranean shallow lakes is characterised by a marked interannual variability, which makes it difficult to establish reliable predictions on the dynamics and functioning of plankton in these ecosystems. In the present paper we analyse the factors influencing the occurrence of the clear water phases in the two shallow lakes of the Albufera of Adra, a coastal wetland region of south-eastern Spain: Lake Honda and Lake Nueva. Despite their geographical proximity, both lakes depicted large hydrological and limnological differences. Lake Honda is an epigenic and recharge lake that is strongly influenced by the hydrological conditions in its watershed, while Lake Nueva can be classified as a hypogenic and discharge lake and, as such, is less affected by the hydrological regime. In contrast, the morphometry, exposure and fetch of Lake Nueva make this ecosystem especially sensitive to wind forcing. Clear water phases in these shallow lakes were linked with periods of low thermal stability and the dominance of small-edible algae in the phytoplankton community, both of which allowed a Daphnia magna population to grow up and induce the algae collapse by grazing. In Lake Honda, those conditions were met during the spring of 2002 under the influence of intense rainfall-events, while in Lake Nueva the clear water phase was induced in the spring of 2003 by the occurrence of strong and frequent wind events. In both lakes, a relatively high water column thermal stability and the abundance of cyanobacteria early in the spring prevented the development of the Daphnia magna population and the occurrence of the clear water phase.

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