
How does Christian higher education relate to spiritual formation? In this study I will present a broader picture of spirituality of Christian higher education and then layout a spirituality of classroom. I contend that Christian higher education must aim to educate the whole person, and as such, interactions in the classroom is an integral part of this educational-spiritual formation. A classroom must be seen as a space where teacher and students can find God, participate in the divine life, and give space for the others to grow in all dimensions of life. A classroom, therefore, is a space for contemplating the divine presence. To elaborate this topic, I shall, firstly, adumbrate the correlation between spirituality and education. Secondly, as a philosophical grounding of the Christian higher education, I shall discuss the Roman Catholic intellectual tradition and especially the Ignatian tradition which has been contributing to significant developments in the history of higher education. Thirdly, I shall sketch a contextual spirituality of classroom which is inspired by Christian theological tradition, especially that of trinitarian theology .


  • How does Christian higher education relate to spiritual formation? In this study I will present a broader picture of spirituality of Christian higher education and layout a spirituality of classroom

  • I contend that Christian higher education must aim to educate the whole person, and as such, interactions in the classroom is an integral part of this educational-spiritual formation

  • As a philosophical grounding of the Christian higher education, I shall discuss the Roman Catholic intellectual tradition and especially the Ignatian tradition which has been contributing to significant developments in the history of higher education

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Menurut Gordon Mursell, spiritualitas Kristiani mendapat pengaruh yang sangat signifikan dari tradisi Yahudi dan Yunani. Pikiran dapat mempersiapkan manusia untuk mengalami klimaks pengalaman akan Allah melalui respons manusia di dalam pengetahuan dan cinta terhadap segenap ciptaan.[18] Di sekitar pasca-Konsili Vatikan II (1960-an), cita-cita ini berada dalam krisis besar sehubungan dengan pergeseran pendekatan besar-besaran terhadap kebudayaan, teologi dan filsafat di dalam masyarakat Katolik sendiri. McCool tetap percaya bahwa dalam tradisi intelektual Katolik terdapat nilai-nilai yang diperlukan pada masa depan, seperti fokus pada pembentukan manusia seutuhnya, ideal integrasi dan distingsi disiplin ilmu, penekanan pada pembelajaran yang dipengaruhi oleh unsur personal khususnya pada pribadi sang guru, sakralitas pekerjaan guru, dan apresiasi terhadap sekolah sebagai komunitas yang memberikan pengaruh secara personal.[22] McCool percaya bahwa dunia kini tidak lagi bisa diimajinasikan seperti dunia di era Paus Leo XIII (pencetus ensiklik Rerum Novarum), Kardinal Newman serta filsuf Jacques Maritain. Selanjutnya, saya akan terangkan visi spiritual dari pendidikan kaum Yesuit yang darinya saya akan menyimpulkan relasi formasi spiritual dengan interaksi di dalam kelas

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