
While interactive visualization of rectilinear gridded volume data sets can now be accomplished using texture mapping hardware on commodity PCs, interactive rendering and exploration of large scattered or unstructured data sets is still a challenging problem. We have developed a new approach that allows the interactive rendering and navigation of procedurally-encoded 3D scalar fields by reconstructing these fields on PC class graphics processing units. Since the radial basis functions (RBFs) we use for encoding can provide a compact representation of volumetric scalar fields, the large grid/mesh traditionally needed for rendering is no longer required and ceases to be a data transfer and computational bottleneck during rendering. Our new approach will interactively render RBF encoded data obtained from arbitrary volume data sets, including both structured volume models and unstructured scattered volume models. This procedural reconstruction of large data sets is flexible, extensible, and can take advantage of the Moore's Law cubed increase in performance of graphics hardware.

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