
As part of the Postgraduate Certificate course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCert), I wrote a plan involving the creation of ‘flipped classroom’ sessions that may form part of the BSc Psychology first-year (Level 4) research methods module at the University of East London (UEL). Psychology students generally do not find this statistics-heavy module very easy, seemingly due to a lack of understanding of the underlying, more basic concepts. The proposed sessions would encompass short ‘micro-teach’ videos on those basic concepts, interspersed with multiple choice questions (MCQs) to test learning. These would then be followed by in-class discussions on the areas of weakness highlighted by the MCQ answers. A pilot session is proposed with one set of four or five mini-topics, covered in a ‘flipped classroom’ video/MCQ format. (At the point of submitting this paper, the pilot session has not yet been put in place.)

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