
This paper investigates the potential of dense multi-image 3D photogrammetric reconstruction of destroyed cultural heritage monuments by employing public domain imagery for heritage site visitors. This work focuses on the digital reconstruction of the Temple of Bel, one of the heritage monuments in Palmyra, Syria, which was demolished in the summer of 2015 due to armed conflict. This temple is believed to be one of the most significant religious structures of the first century AD in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with its unique design and condition before destruction actions. The process is carried out using solely one source of images; the freely available visitors’ images collected from the social media platforms and web search engines. This paper presents a digital 3D reconstruction workflow for the collected images using an advanced photogrammetry pipeline and dense image matching software. The virtually reconstructed outputs will be managed and implemented efficiently in Unity3D to create an entire 3D virtual interactive environment for the deconstructed temple to be visualised and experienced using the new Oculus Quest VR headset. The virtual Palmyra’s visitor will be offered an enhanced walk-through off-site interactive, immersive experience compared to the real-world one, which is non-existing and unobtainable at the site in the current time.

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