
Problem and goal. The article describes the processes of development of methods of teaching computer science in the organization of extracurricular activities, which contributes to the effectiveness of teaching computer science through the use of games and game forms of organization of extracurricular activities. The aim was to identify the features of the development of an interactive computer game, which is characterized in that it combines all the topics of the course of computer science grades 5-8 and allows to use the tools of an interactive whiteboard, combining them into a single system (grouping objects, working with layers, etc.), and also provides the ability to play using mobile devices, both in the classroom and remotely. This allowed us to take into account the peculiarities of the method of using interactive games in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of students in grades 5-8 and to assess the effectiveness of training, increase motivation and consolidation of students’ knowledge in informatics and increase interest in the subject “Informatics”. Methodology. The development of a specially designed interactive game in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of students in grades 5-8 is carried out by analyzing the possibility of didactic features of extracurricular activities in informatics of schoolchildren in grades 5-8, studying the psychological and pedagogical aspects of teaching students in the conditions of extracurricular activities in informatics using interactive games, observation, organization and conduct of pedagogical experiment and analysis of its results. Results. The possibilities and role of interactive game in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are revealed. This theoretical justification for the use of interactive games as a tool for development of extracurricular activities in informatics for school students grades 5-8. On the basis of the obtained data, an interactive computer game was developed, introduced and tested as a means of developing extracurricular activities in computer science, the contents of interactive game tasks were selected and systematized, the effectiveness of the method of using interactive games in extracurricular activities in computer science was tested. Conclusion. The results allowed us to conclude that the effectiveness of the game is entirely determined by the extent to which it is implemented educational goals due to the state standard of secondary education in computer science and information and communication technologies. Creation and application of interactive games in extracurricular activities on informatics of pupils of 5-8 classes should take into account general didactic principles (scientific character, availability, systematicity, visibility, continuity, etc.), as well as specific didactic principles due to the use of the advantages of interactive whiteboard - adaptability and interactivity of learning, the implementation of computer visualization capabilities, the development of intellectual potential of students.


  • Следовательно, необходимо рассмотреть возможные методы обучения информатике в условиях организации внеурочной деятельности по предмету

  • Проблема исследования заключается в необходимости обосновать методические основы, проектирование, разработку интерактивных компьютерных игр, обеспечивающих эффективное обучение информатике во внеурочной деятельности учащихся [1—16]

  • Creation and application of interactive games in extracurricular activities on informatics of pupils of [5,6,7,8] classes should take into account general didactic principles (scientific character, availability, systematicity, visibility, continuity, etc.), as well as specific didactic principles due to the use of the advantages of interactive whiteboard — adaptability and interactivity of learning, the implementation of computer visualization capabilities, the development of intellectual potential of students

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Дано теоретическое обоснование необходимости применения интерактивной игры как средства развития внеурочной деятельности по информатике школьников 5—8-х классов. Создание и применение интерактивных игр во внеурочной деятельности по информатике школьников 5—8-х классов должно учитывать общедидактические принципы (научность, доступность, систематичность, наглядность, преемственность и т.д.), а также специфические дидактические принципы, обусловленные использованием преимуществ интерактивной доски — адаптивности и интерактивности обучения, реализации возможностей компьютерной визуализации, развития интеллектуального потенциала учащихся. Интерактивная компьютерная игра — это программный ресурс, который отличается тем, что объединяет все темы курса информатики 5—8-х классов, позволяет использовать инструменты интерактивной доски, объединяя их в единую систему (группировка объектов, работа со слоями и т.д.), а также дает возможность проведения игры с использованием мобильных устройств как в классе, так и дистанционно, что содействует созидательному процессу обучения и позволяет ученикам активно и увлеченно учиться. Проблема исследования заключается в необходимости обосновать методические основы, проектирование, разработку интерактивных компьютерных игр, обеспечивающих эффективное обучение информатике во внеурочной деятельности учащихся [1—16]

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