
The first part of this study examined the relationship(s) between Type A behavior scores and heart rate, blood pressure and impedance derived cardiovascular measures in response to discrete stressors during a standardized psychophysiological assessment. Expts. 2A and 2B considered cardiovascular responses to dynamic exercise stress alone and in combination with psychological and cold pressor tests. Gender and stroke volume changes during the psychological stress correlated 0.45 ( P < 0.02) with Type A score. Subscale scores of Job Involvement correlated 0.78 ( P < 0.02) with stroke volume, total systemic resistance and heart rate during the psychological stressor, and systolic blood pressure during the cold pressor task. The combined effects of psychological stress and dynamic exercise on systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly greater than the individual effects of these stressors. The use of impedance cardiography in measuring cardiovascular variables that correlate with Type A behavior, during psychophysiological assessments, may further elucidate our understanding of Type A behavior in addition to providing information about how stress interacts with aerobic exercise.

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