
Introduction. In recent years, digitalization has been actively developing in the system of professional education and takes an important role in the UNESCO strategy related to culture, science and education. The learning process in the digital educational environment is being transformed, a new level of quality is being acquired. The sustainable development of educational systems of students actualizes the improvement of the quality of education in the digital educational environment, which are actively developed within the framework of digital didactics The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the implementation of interactive didactic support for students for improvement of distance learning format. Materials and methods. In accordance with the statements of the activity, system and information approaches, an author's questionnaire has been developed. The survey involved 100 first- and second-year students of the Moscow State Educational Complex studying in the field of study "Network and system administration". The age of the respondents is from 17 to 20 years, among which 30% are women. The survey was conducted using the Google Forms tool. The involvement of students in educational activities in the conditions of distance and traditional formats of education was studied at the first stage. At the second stage, the preference of students in the choice of forms of didactic support was revealed: face-to-face consultations according to the schedule, group chat with the teacher, video conferences with the ability to ask questions, simulators for practicing problem solving methods, short video lectures. Respondents were asked to rank three of the five proposed items in order of importance. Results. Distance learning format was chosen by 46% of respondents, and mixed – by 54%. Most of the students (60%) indicated that they use other sources of information in the learning process. Among the forms of didactic support, it was revealed that students prefer face-to-face consultations with a teacher (average position score for 1st year students is 2.05, 2nd year students – 2.15), group chat (1.2 and 1.75 points, respectively) and videoconferencing with the ability to ask questions to the teacher (1.65 and 1.2 points). Less significant for students are short video lectures (0.8 and 0.75 points) and simulators for practicing problem solving methods (0.2 and 0.25 points). The results of the survey confirm that blended learning, in comparison with distance learning, has significant advantages. Conclusion. The development of the digital educational environment involves the adjustment of the professional competencies of the teacher so that he is in the leading subject position in the organization of didactic support for students. An important area of digital didactics is the improvement of interactive educational technologies for the effective support of students.

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